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Energy Management

We help organisations reduce costs, save time and improve their sustainability.

Energy Intelligence

Make better buying decisions and reduce costs

We empower you to make smarter energy purchasing decisions. Our AI-driven tools give you real-time insights into energy market prices and can predict future trends, enabling you to buy energy at the best times.
Energy Management System to reduce costs

Save time

Spend time looking at insights and take relevant actions. Stop spending time gathering, cleaning, reporting and analysing energy data for your buildings. Automate reporting so you have all the info you need to make better decisions. Use our bill processing and validation feature to avoid manual repetitive tasks and ensure your company isn’t paying too much.
Energy Management Software to save time
Get Insights

Go for more sustainability

Identify energy spillage inside your company and its buildings. Take actions to lower down the consumption without lowering the comfort or output of your organisation. 

EMS - Energy Management System Trinergy

Be compliant

Create reports both for internal and official external reporting on your Carbon Footprint. It doesn’t matter how many different buildings you need to report on, it’s always just a click away.
Energy Management System for reporting

Industries we work with


Powerful Features at your fingertips

Energy management Software

Tap into real-time energy data from multiple sources for actionable insights and rapid issue resolution.

> Energy Monitoring Software

Automation Control

Slash energy use with automated control over lighting, HVAC, and more, adapting to occupancy.

> Energy Control

Dashboards & Reports

Visualize energy trends with dynamic dashboards and comprehensive reporting tools.

> Energy Reporting Software

Cost Allocation

Uncover precise energy costs with tailored Time-of-Use (ToU) tariff insights.

> Energy Allowance Software

Energy Audits

Benchmark and unlock your energy saving potential with detailed audits.

> Energy Efficiency Software

Building Performance

Benchmark energy performance across buildings to uncover optimization opportunities.

> Performance of Buildings


Energy Signature

Identify unique building energy profiles for tailored efficiency strategies.

> Building Energy Optimization

Data & Budget Forecast

Simulate future spending and budget efficiently with our predictive analysis tools.

> Energy Data Management

How it works

How works an EMS ? Energy management System


Thanks to Trinergy our cashflow survived the challenging period during the energy crisis of 2022 - 2023 !

"The invoice verification and approval flow is very detailed and offers clear and full traceability. The perfect audit trail!"

Trinergy helps us save budget and time, which leads to happy co-owners and tenants. The reasons we partner with Trinergy are multiple: A top-notch customer-centric service, Integrated digital solutions, Our sustainability goals can now be reached.
"Trinergy helps us with energy expertise, end-to-end supplier management, a digital multi-fluid platform and critical insights that allow us to take CO2-reducing business decisions."
"The Trinergy platform is easy to use; it has allowed us a thorough analysis of our tenants' consumption, thus contributing to a more efficient management of our assets with just a few clicks. Trinergy goes beyond a simple solution; it is a partner that offers remarkable monitoring and tailored support. Working in collaboration with the Trinergy team has been a pleasure, their commitment and expertise have strengthened our success in energy optimization."

In the industry, mastering energy costs is essential. In recent years, volatility and uncertainty in the markets have forced us to rethink our paradigms. The services offered by Trinergy are very useful and well-conceived. Being supported by cutting-edge solutions is essential for us in the context of the energy transition.

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